Nightly Builds

I have been using Pencil intensively yesterday and it starts to be quite stable and really nice to use! :slight_smile: Well done to everyone!

Only the bucket tool is still really buggy and almost not usable. It’s a shame because I would use it quite a lot.

Has anyone thought about (or maybe is) fixing this feature?

Nightly build August 4 2013 is out.

Hi @chchwy,

Thank you for all the improvements inside Pencil ! :slight_smile:

Pencil does not start in this new build. It says that it needs MSVCP110.dll

Win7 SP1 64bits


Here i’m told it’s not a valid Win32 application

WinXP SP3, virtualbox


Try this. I managed to fix the issue and open Pencil.
Download from the Microsoft…
(go for the 32bits version, NOT the 64bits.
VSU1\vcredist_x86.exe - (6.3 MB))

Glad it worked for you. I’m not sure if i want to go installing extras in order to get Pencil (or any application) working in Windows, especially considering my Windows system is a testing platform.

It seems to me that most applications made for Windows should install in Windows without any additional dependencies needed, and considering the build from just two days ago worked fine I suspect the current issue may be a development mistake. I’d rather wait and see than add something to my system that turns out to be unnecessary.

@kaiko, @mikshaw

Sorry about the problem , I have uploaded a new executable, please check!

I built Pencil by new Visual Studio yesterday,
but it seems like compiler version confliction (VS2010 vs VS2012)



Yep, that fixed it, thank you.

Nightly build August 6 2013 is out.

Nightly build August 8 2013 is out. Just a minor fix.

Thank you a lot @chchwy (Matt) for your work! Great!

One question, you said something on the repository, that you have "… cleared all setting on shortcut reset, so…every setting value is gone, including tool cursors"
Don´t understand but, that means that what you have done in this build is for a particular purpose?
I realized the custom shortcut´s list has gone, and so we have to select every tool directly on the Tools´s panel.

The list is hidden. Pressing the “Restore Default Shortcuts” inside preference´s panel will unhidden all the shortcuts. Closing Preference´s panel and opening it again will show the list hidden again.

@kaiko, good catch, my fault.

I have fixed it and upload Aug 8 nightly build again.


It is working fine now. Thank you Matt

By the way Matt, is there a simple way to save our preference shortcut´s list?
Every time there is a new build, the shortcut list is showed as a default. So I was wondering…

(I am going to open an enhancement on the repository with this title)

How do we know when the nightly build was built, apart from when you post a message here? It apparently hasn’t been “nightly”, and since there is only a redirect to a direct link, the only way i can tell if i have the latest is if i download and diff. Even then i have no idea when it was built.

I just updated the Mac nightly build.

I don’t know if @chchwy has made new nightly builds for windows since the 8th of august but there was some cool new features and improvements so I compiled the Mac version this morning.

The current one is apparently the same as the one that was available when i made that last post 5 days ago, and the previous one i have is dated the 6th, so this one might very well be the 8th. If that’s the case, then it seems chchwy has been posting here with every release. I know development has slowed a little in the last couple of weeks, and i think they’re probably focusing more on coding than releasing anything, which i fully understand. And i’ve been keeping up with the development on Linux, so that’s fine with me.

Also, i said “redirect to a direct link”, which must sound weird…the “direct link” part was trying to describe the link as pointing to a specific file rather than a web page or directory index.

I’m having problems downloading the nightly build, it says phonon4.dll is missing



Nightly build September 02 2013 is out.

I want a linux version of the nightly build. How do I compile it?

Nightly builds Sep 17 2013 is out.