Fix polyline tool doesn't memorize last size used. (by czxcjx)
November 26 2013
Jagged strokes fix: added a subtle anti-shaking.
Dynamic cursor enhancement. Now, cursor size and feather adjustments skip decimals: i.e. 1.0 2.0 3.0... To use decimals, combine [shift] or [ctrl] with the [alt] key.
dynamic cursor scaled according to zoom.
Fixed pencil color problem.
Smudge operation corrected.
Not the default selected layer is the last one (camera layer).
October 14 2013
Bitmap smudge tool improvement. (byCirus)
Pressing ALT key for smudge liquify mode.
More natural tablet pressure, more natural pencil stroke.
Fixed view panning from SPACE shortcut.
Timeline: layers are now ordered from bottom to top.
Introduce crop reference.
Added 2 toggle buttons to select the 2 types of grid.
Introducing zipped file format .pclx (by Shoshon)
Fixed movie export on Windows.
September 17 2013
Bitmap smudge alpha fix & some updates. (byCirus)
September 2 2013
New bitmap smudge tool. (byCirus)
Enable tablet high resolution.
Press 'C' to popup color wheel. (byCirus)
Tablet in relative mode is now drawing correctly. (byCirus)
August 8 2013
Fixed disappeared tool cursor.
August 6 2013
Introduce a new color wheel.
Remove duplicated CLEAR in menu.
Fixed eyedropper in Bitmap Layer.
August 4 2013
Fixed black screen issue when feather resizing. (byCirus)
Eraser has feather value now. (byCirus)
August 2 2013
ALT key to pick a color by eyedropper. (byCirus)
Fix custom keyboard shortcuts. (by Matt)
Fix the tool cursor disappearing after interactive resizing. (by Manuel)
Pen size is no more be reset to 2 after switching tool. (by Manuel)
July 31 2013
Fixed Pressure Sensivity. (byfeeef)
Show resize circle when resizing pen, pencil and brush. (byCirus)
July 30 2013
Recent files list is back.
Shortcuts < , > for previous keyframe and next keyframe.
Fix jitteriness of move tool by fixing the reference point.
Switch back to select when clicking outside of move.
Disable event coalescing only on drawing strokes.
Ask for a layer name when creating a new layer.
Ask for color name after creating a new color.
Misc bug fixes.
(most by Maneul)
July 25 2013
CTRL+SHIFT applies brush size to the eraser and temporarily selects it. (byCirus)
"WYSIWYG" tool adjustment is now more precise. (byCirus)
Tool reset added to menu->tools. Prevents from persistent crashes caused by corrupted settings file . (byCirus)
The pencil tool cursor now displayed correctly when the program starts. (by Matt)
Fix the inconsistent case of preference file name. (by Matt)
Add icons for eyedropper and smudge tool. (by Manuel)
Use png as default format if the filename chosen for export has no suffix.
ScribbleArea code refactoring. (by Manuel)
Smoother brush stroke for Mac OS X. (by Manuel)
July 17 2013
Enhance interactive resizing, now it's based on current brush size, mouse drags left to decrease brush size, drag right to increase the size. (byCirus)
CTRL + Mouse Drag to change brush FEATHER. (byCirus)
Remove duplicated shortcuts Ctrl+R, Ctrl+H in default setting.
I must say that your interactive brush resizing is a great, GREAT addition!
Here an obvious strange behaviour.
When resizing let us say to 50% (100 on the scale), the brush keeps its size while working on the drawing panel. As soon as I press SHIFT the size goes down to 0% and if you were initially intending to diminish its size going to LEFT, it will instead INCREASE its size and there is no decrease size, unless you drag the mouse slowly to the right
Same issue here, built on linux from latest source…i can’t seem to control how the brush is resized. It’s a great idea that just needs some tweaking. If we’re using Shift+drag to adjust size, would it be possible to Shift+Alt(or Ctrl)+drag to change the softness?
And while i’m making brush suggestions, opacity would be a handy thing to have at some point in the future too =o)
well, to be honest, a combination of size, softness, opacity, and blend/smudge is typically all i ever use when drawing digitally, even when more advanced brushes are available. I’m not sure how simple a smudge would be to implement into Pencil, though…that one is mostly just wishful thinking for someday, eventually.
Anyway…to try staying on topic, just read the first sentence =o)
The ERASER-tool dynamic resizing, is acting the same way @Matt
"well, to be honest, a combination of size, softness, opacity, and blend/smudge is typically all i ever use when drawing digitally"
I was going to say that.
Still there is no “blend/smudge” tool yet implemented, but it would give to an artist that little touch of nicelly-done-paint
(I am glad to know that the dev team has just grown )
I will tell you later at night, if no sooner, if i find any bug or issue (Today I just checked that you dev team were just crazy !!!.. so many improvements from the previous build that I just think Pencil2D is ALREADY a winner.
Just one person was needed to move around our world into one idea: Pencil2D
The Dynamic resizing tool applied to the drawing tools is working now as it should be. Nevertheless I would like to ask the dev team one thing.
Is it possible to do an enhancement on this? I mean, pressing SHIFT and dragging the cursor is working just fine, really improved from the last build, and when the value on the slide Size bar reach around “10”, the changes are so sensible at the cursor movement that it has to be done really slow to reach a define number between 0 and 10. From 10 to 200 on the slide bar, the cursor gets better movements accordantly to the drag movement.
Just a fine tuning
I am not able to build Pencil any more. The empty window is not there but I got an error on Qt Creator: "unrecognised command line option ‘-std=c++11’ "
(About the building package: I am thinking that a piece of information is missing in the (Wiki) guide step-by-step for compiling Pencil. I felt like there is a point when we need to restart our computers in order to get everything running. I done this yesterday and worked. Hope this makes sense)
You have done a VERY NICE JOB !
I am pleased to be here and help you (hope so) to discover issues and bugs… You all definitively deserve our help for all the work you have already done.
I have found some issues, and would like to make some suggestions. I will post them separately.
(the SAVE bug function was the most welcome fix of all… and while testing Pencil it only crashed twice during several save actions…)