Unable to import audio

@RobinAnto Hi. Unfortunately it pains me to say that the problem here might be with Windows 7 as well as the 32 bit version compatibility since nowadays this is considered legacy technology.

Honestly speaking Windows 7 is no longer being supported by Microsoft since a few years ago, and even 32 bit architecture computers are being phased out as well.

I’ll gladly ask the developers how to proceed, but this is potentially a problem we might not be able to solve anymore since the underlying technology we use (Qt Framework) is also dropping support for legacy technologies and it is hard for us to keep the software updated to benefit from improvements on their end, while keeping support for previously used platforms.

For now this is mostly a warning, this doesn’t mean we have stopped supporting Windows 7 or even Windows XP nor the 32 bit versions, however consider that in the future it may be increasingly difficult for us to do so.

With that said, please share with us:

  1. The sound file you were trying to load (don’t try to attach it, upload it to a free cloud storage service and share the link)
  2. The Pencil2D file where you tried to load the audio.
  3. Even though you provided relevant info from your system, please go to the topbar menu > Help > About > and press the Copy to clipboard button to automatically copy all the information on that window then paste it verbatim in your next reply. Don’t leave out anything otherwise it won’t help us determine the cause.
  4. Meanwhile we get the samples to test, please also follow the sound import guide and try the different ways to import sound described there, even if they don’t work let us know if you notice something unusual when trying each one [Guide] How to import sound into Pencil2D