Onion skin conflicting between background and object level

Hi, I have a problem: I have an object level layer and a background layer with a “light table” layer between them. I have my onion skin settings turned on so I can see the next and previous drawings/frames. The red onion skin representing the previous frames and the green onion skin representing the next frames. I have all three of the layers I described turned on in the timeline. With the onion skin turned on, I don’t see it when the object level is over the background. Not only that, but when I attempt to draw another frame after the first frame in the object level, the next frame disappears. The onion skin works fine with the background layer turned off, though. But for some reason, I don’t know how to fix this.

P.S.: This post is not unique, I’ve discovered that another user wrote a similar topic which you can find here:

@JacobZeier1992 Yes, the onion skin not showing because a fully opaque layer blocks the canvas view is a known bug.

Fortunately this has been fixed for the upcoming version.

However currently Pencil2D does not currently have the capacity to show onion skins from multiple layers, even with the upcoming “light table” mode, so you can only see the onion skins for the actively selected layer.

This is something the developers are aware of and it will be hopefully implemented in future versions.

OK, thanks for letting me know. :slightly_smiling_face:

Well, one thing I could do to combat this problem is to make 33% opaque layers between the object level layers by generating a white color in the color palette at around 80 alpha and filling in that layer as a semi-transparent background, or tracing paper layer if you will. For the layout backgrounds, I would just sketch them in GIMP, set the opacity to around 33%, export them as transparent .PNG files and import them into Pencil2D. That’s one way I can currently use the “light table” mode. Or I can make object level layers with the semi-transparent white backgrounds within them and draw over them with black pencil, eliminating the cumbersome semi-transparent white background layers between them. But suppose I have to erase something. What I can do is paint the colors black and 80 alpha white outside of the camera and background area. I can just use the eyedropper tool to extract the 80 alpha white color and “erase” the unwanted drawings with the pencil tool, then use the eyedropper tool again to extract the black color to resume drawing.

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