Not able to Install the program

When i launch the Pencil 2d exe i’m getting a prompt saying

‘The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b).’

Can someone please help and reply on how to fix the issue

@Dragntail Hi. This is most likely a windows issue and not a Pencil2D issue. You need to make sure of the following:

  1. You are using the appropriate bit architecture version (e.g 32bit o 64bit)
  2. You are using the appropriate Pencil2D version for your Windows version (e.g legacy: Windows XP, Windows 7, Modern: Windows 10)
  3. You have your Windows installation up to date via windows update.
  4. You need to install the Microsoft Redistributables and missing components as mentioned in the following threads:

VCRUNTIME_140.dll / Windows 10

MSVCP140.DLL / Windows 8 and under + Universal C Runtime

Lastly I found this guide to follow which seems sensible enough:

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