Displaying Text using vector graphics

The first stage is to produce the text, using Inkscape. The image is then transfered to Pencil2D using a .PNG file and loaded into a bitmapped layer.

This is then overdrawn using the Polyline Tool.

This initial tracing requires a little editing,

When complete this is then filled. Then the magic of vector images can commence.

The image, of text in this case can be enlarged. Because it’s a vector image, it does not pixelate.


That’s only the start, of the magic of vector images, the image colour can easily be changed, since the image is converted to bitmapped image at presentation, the colour doesn’t have a problem with the feathered edge!

The project file is Vector_Text-4.pclx (56.0 KB)


The project file is Vector_Text-5.pclx (56.1 KB)

I like it! The advantage of vector graphics is you can expand and reduce the image without Pixelisation.

When using vector graphics, any images have to be converted into a bitmapped one, because the screen is a bitmapped device. But this conversion happens at the end of the process of drawing, not at the time of drawing.

Thus the line around the shape is feathered, that’s the process used to make the edge look smooth as possible, during the process of sending the image to the screen.

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Unlike using vector graphics, when you enlarge a bitmapped graphic you get pixcellation as shown below.

The only way to acheive zooming in, as per the top animated .GIF file then you will require an image of 3840 by 2160 pixcels, which when saved produces a much larger file. Which is a file of 176 Kbytes, compared with 18.7 Kbytes for the vector text image.

That’s the size of a single frame drawing. If there are 20 frames then the memory required is 20 x 176 Kbytes which equals 3.520 Mbytes.

Using bitmapped images also requires that you think ahead, if you want to zoom in. You require to workout how large you require the image before you zoom in!

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The approach to the production of the text using a .PNG image as a guide, which was produced using Inkscape.

This approach makes the lines that form it flow, rather than a more correct, but stilted form. I think that this adds personality.

If you are producing text, to be displayed in Pencil2D on a bitmapped layer, then my advice is to produce it at least 120% the largest size that you conceive that you require.

It is possible to write software to be able to make enlargement of bitmapped images, but the task is very complex amd as a result most software producers, including Pencil2D, don’t implement this function.

This is because bitmapped graphics can be reduced in size, without distortion, particularly if the edge is feathered.

Feathering us a technique to make the outer edge of the shape appear to be smooth. When using bitmapped tools the Feathering is applied at the drawing stage.

In contrast when using vector tools, the feathering is applied at the conversion to a bitmapped format. This allows it to be adjusted to make the edge look smooth. When the camera zooms in, when using vectors, the Feathering is adjusted.