Zoom setting of the work area, when using Pencil2D in portable mode!

The magnification of the Camera layer, was set itself to 143.2%. Obviously I can now look at the magnification, as shown below


and change it to 100% is smaller to display the working area on screen.

Also I noticed that at 143.2% magnification the operation of Pencil2D there was a significant lag when enlarging and reducing the main window size. I think this will occur on other operations too.

Well done that we can now adjust the zoom, of the working area, but it would be appreciated by beginners especially, if this bug was fixed!


Thanks for the feedback.

Are you absolutely certain that this was not caused by you setting the view like that in the old version.

I’m no aware of any logic that would make the camera zoom level do that automatically.

By default the view zoom level will always be 100%

Also I noticed that at 143.2% magnification the operation of Pencil2D there was a significant lag when enlarging and reducing the main window size. I think this will occur on other operations too.

Can you elaborate on that and can you reproduce it?

I’m not using the computer on my desk, but I’m using a computer in the college library.

I logged in using my user id, then downloaded Pencil2D, from the website and then ran it.

When I attempted to arrange the screen for my workflow, I could not do this until I’d noticed the magnification and then altered it!

The only version of Pencil2D that I’ve previously run from this account is 0.6.6!

I was challenged by Windows asking if I wanted to run the software and I choose the Run Anyway option.



I’ve previously run 0.7 Pencil2D without this issue, but this has been from either my computer in the office or my personal laptop at home.

The answer on, can I reproduce it is no, but when I downloaded version 0.7 Pencil2D for the second time the results in terms of temporary files on the computer existed. It may be a situation that occurs during 1st run only!

I’ve now logged off, waited a few minutes and the logged onto the same computer, and it appears to be a fluke!

If this is a fluke, then it’s following Murphy’s Law, anything that can happen will, and when it does it will cause the maximum problems!

I’ve since done the installation on several other systems with shared computers. The problem with the scaling appears to have been a fluke!

Thinking back I did have a problem with the initial system not being very responsive to mouse clicks!


The problem which I now think caused by the fact that that I had installed version 0.7 on a hotdesk computer.

The computer had crashed before I’d save a work file. I think that Pencil2D doesn’t save the Preferences until a work file is saved.

When you then reload, after the crash it basically sets up with the standard Preferences.

If I’d saved a ‘dummy’ project after I’d set up Pencil2D as I like it, the problem wouldn’t have happened.

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