Windows 11 or can you help me

hy when ti be on windows 11 becoaz i just instal windows 11 and i can´t instal ip

@jakub Hi, I’m updating this answer since we had no real understanding of Windows 11 at the time of the original reply.

Currently Pencil2D is not developed specifically for Windows 11 but for x64 & x86 compatible Windows version. This means Windows 11 support is assumed to be provided via automatic backwards compatibility by the OS itself.

However if for some reason Pencil2D doesn’t work for you out-of-the-box, you can certainly try the compatibility mode for the software by right clicking the Pencil2D.exe application file and following the guide below on how to run older programs in compatibility mode for both Win 11 & Win 10

As a personal comment, Windows 11 is still considered “new” despite being 2 years old and there are still bugs and issues that Microsoft has to patch, there is also something to be said about needing specific hardware to run it, so In my opinion, it is better to wait for at least another year to upgrade since Windows 10 Home & Pro versions are supposed to be EOL’d in 2025.

Updated 31/08/2023

Hi @jakub @JoseMoreno

@jakub, I tried Pencil2D with Win11 and it is working OK. You just need to do the compatibility thing that @JoseMoreno is pointing out for activating the pressure sensitive. Other than that, it is just fine as it is.

When you mentioned “you can’t install it”, I thought that you may be getting pencil2d from an old source. Just grab it from here, and give it a try. [grab the newer date listed]. It is not an executable, you don’t need to install it but a direct access to the program.

@JoseMoreno. I have been working with Win11 and it is running smoothly in my system. The difficult part was to pass the limitations that the Microsoft wanted to incorporate in every system, which included to have a specific processor and so on (which was ridiculous to say the least)

Other than that, I am more than happy with it. No difference from Win10, other than a new user interface and some minor changes in the way you search for things inside the system. And to be honest, I recommend to install it. Microsoft has already lunched several updates for optimization, and so far so good…

@kaiko Hey, glad to see you around. Thank you for letting us know about your experience with Windows 11, it is valuable to know that Pencil2D can work. Personally due to previous experiences I wouldn’t recommend using Windows 11 just yet. Microsoft still has a lot of improvements to make.

Windows 10 support by MS won’t be terminated at least until 2024, so the transition will fan out gradually, but I’m sure many people will complain in due time to there might be time extensions.

The other problem we have is that we can’t support Windows 11 until Qt framework 6 is properly working, and it will take months if not a few years for that to happen, so we’re currently locked by to technological vectors.

@JoseMoreno I think it can be problematic for some hardware to install Win11 right now.

But anyway, I will try to add a new animation till the end of this year… so… lets animate!

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