Why don't Pallet files have an file extension?

I would suggest a file extension of .pal, for Pallet files.

Aren’t the palette files XML?

(Also, PAL would confuse me too because I do other things that require a .pal format.)

What about .col? short for colour. After all. PCLX and .VEC files are XML files too.

My reason for saying this, is because I often build larger projects initially in several files. It would make the process simpler if if had sat Robby-3.pclx and Robby-3.col. Sometimes I may have frame images stored as discreet .vec files too.

Palette files do have an extension, it’s .xml (or .gpl or GIMP palettes). If your file does not have an extension, then you must have saved it without one, or it could be hidden by Windows.

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What I ment, by my contribution was, why can’t we have a file type, that is meaningful to the Pencil2D user?

Such a change would simplify file management, especially if files become misplaced.

it sounds like a decent improvement to the project file structure. I’ve created an issue on Github.

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