[SOLVED] Save File Window Pop-Ups

While I’m using Pencil the “Save Animation” window prompts open constantly, It’s a real pain, I’ve had this problem with the recent builds both Windows (8.1) and Ubuntu (16.04) app images, I thought it was my Graphics Tablet but it also happens when I use a mouse.

Hi @lordyak,
It’s a feature called auto-save which has been broken for a long time and got fixed recently. Prevent users from losing their works when pencil2d crashes.

However, you can turn it off if you don’t like it.
Go to Preference -> File -> Uncheck autosave, and then it won’t bother you anymore.

@lordyak Just to add in to what Matt said, if you save your project for the first time. Later on the auto-saving will not trigger the pop up. It will automatically save the file in a silent manner. Just In case you do want to have the auto save enabled :), just remember that it will trigger every #of modifications on the canvas (drawing, clearing the frame) or any frame that has been deleted via the “frame delete” command.

All of these things are getting fixed, but we understand most of it might be confusing for new users and even veteran users, so we hope to release proper tutorials to explain such functionality later on.

@morr I figured after the reply from Matt my habit of not naming the files caused this for me, I usually just sketch and work on my drawing on the app and haven’t started any projects yet, so I leave the files blank and unsaved a lot, Thanks for the replies though.

@lordyak Please download the 14 Nov 2017 version.
I’ve added a “Never ask again” button which can stop the save file dialog poping up again and again. Hope this can let you feel better.

@chchwy It’s perfect, thank you.