Pencil2D Nightly builds 2016

Thanks for keeping us posted, feeef!

Just a heads up, I tried again on Windows10/64bit last night and it worked, well, as much as it does right now, what with the bugged timeline and onion skins and all. The chancges to the UI are a great improvement though!

Hi @happydonut

This is what you want:Microsoft C++ Redistribution for VS2013

Nightly build Nov 29 is out.

@chchwy @feeef Thanks a lot Matt & feeef!

The brushes are now better. The move tool is broken again. It’s not as smooth as previous build. Anyway, thanks so much matt and feef!

Here’s the linux build

How to install on ubuntu?

@abhi No need to install. Just unzip the files in your home folder. Go inside App folder then look for Pencil2d and that’s it. If it won’t open then right-click on Pencil2d then under Permission tab tick checkbox Allow executing file as program.

Hi everyone!

Having a trouble running on Linux Mint 17.1, here is my terminal output:

QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout “” to ColorBox “”, which already has a layout

/home/slayerdude/opt/pencil-Nov302015/app/Pencil2D: symbol lookup error: /home/slayerdude/opt/pencil-Nov302015/app/Pencil2D: undefined symbol: _ZN6QDebug9putStringEPK5QCharm

btw a regular version works fine.

Is it possible to keep both types of dynamic (size and opacity) for brush tool? Just to have check-boxes to choose which one to use…

Actually, as we have many tools in the toolbox, and I plan to have one tool for each dynamic behaviour. The brush would have dynamic opacity, the pen would have dynamic width and the pencil would have both. I think it is a correct behaviour for each of these tools and we should have a basic set of brush features to do great digital painting. At list, in a first step.

By the way, I have fixed most of the preferences from the preferences window. I ha been following Matt’s refactoring and I am pretty happy with what I have achieved. I will do my best to get a great nightly build for the coming week end.

Nightly build Dec 5 is out.

For some reason the open and save dialogues are broken on my dev environment. I couldn’t understand why so I thought it may be something wrong with my QT environment on Fedora…

Can you confirm it is working ok for you with the latest build?



Well I tried to compile a 32-bit version for me. Usually with no troubles but tonight it just didn’t happen. I got this error and I’m no coder so I don’t know what to do about it, sorry :slight_smile:


C:\Temp\MASTER\pencil-master\core_lib\managers\toolmanager.cpp:105: error: ‘isnan’ was not declared in this scope

if ( isnan( newWidth ) || newWidth < 0 )


@feeef On the subject of the individualization of tools, I think it would be a great Idea as long as the tools “functions” work similar to how Digicel’s Flipbook does. I’ve always thought that it is the commercial software that is closest to pencil in functionality and capabilities.

For that to happen the Pencil tool would have to create “pencil line objects” so the brush tool does not affect it’s pixel information but rather when combined with the bucket tool, it can be used only to color.

I think everyone developing Pencil in the future could benefit in taking a look at it: (Here the brush tool is explained, but when you actually use it it won’t paint over the pencil tool lines, it will always paint below them, I’ll record a video later if it helps get the idea, but anyone can downlaod the trial and see for themselves)

Also if and when the bucket tool is improved, magic like this could happen:
Flipbook’s Bucket tool demo:

Now I understand @sfepa 's point as well. Because usually you’d expect a brush tool to work like in real life, that means to have opacity + size pressure sensitivity, but then we should discuss this more thoroughly so we can keep moving forward.

I’ll try to compile the code as well this weekend if it helps, although I don’t have linux installed on my workstation…maybe I could do it on my laptop with ubuntu but I’m not promising anything :stuck_out_tongue:

@Jose Moreno

I agree that Flipbook is something to look into when developing more functions into Pencil2D but at the moment the most important thing is to get a bug free 0.5.5 version.

Regarding the brush tools, I’d personally be satisfied with the “pen tool” in the new version. The only thing I would like added to the pen tool is maybe a feather function to get a bit more smooth line if needed.

@manu Yes. Bug free Pencil first :slight_smile: ! My comment is not much of a feature request but rather to give context within the discussion for those tools. Because after everything is fixed we NEED to discuss how the tools will really are going to behave for pencil to work in heavy production environments.

Also, right now we’re having Krita entering strong with their animation tools. Mostly every basic feature you need is there, plus the stability even for a beta version, that says a lot. So hopefully later on we can ask the Krita devs that assisted with that to help.

I want to propose other open-source projects sort of a meet & greet weekend (could be online or on-site) to voluntarily exchange devs or even advice, so maybe other devs can come and help us, and viceversa. But this would only happen once we have a strict roadmap of what features we need, what we want and what we have to fix overall.

Later on this december i’ll post all my proposals to promote pencil further so we can agree and discuss them more in detail. For now, le’s have faith in our devs as Pencil continues to get active!

@manu, it looks like a headet is missing somewhere. I will try to investigate. I don’t know which header defines isnan().

@morr, I agree that we need to define specifications for the brush engine. We will get some feedback from users when the app will be working so we should have some good ideas based on that. At the moment, I am trying to get the basic features we need to start doing great drawings. Smooth lines is what I am working on. It is very difficult for me at the moment as I have never been implementing a brush engine before. However, I start to inderstand how it works and I will do some more work on it in the future. I will keep working on bugs on my side but feel free to get the best ideas about a great brush engine.

Also, don’t forget that we have a vector engine that is useful for clean lines and painting. The “paint behind” feature is already implemented in Pencil’s vector engine if you use the brush tool.

Some features may be all over the place at the moment but Pencil is still very promissing to me anyway! It has the potential to be a great animation software. Matt has already done some very good work in refactoring the code and new features will be easier to implement in the future.

As devs, we need specifications so that’s a great idea @morr! If you and other contributors can study and put together a document defining the specs to make Pencil a strong pro software, it would be great!

With a users community, a crowd funding campaign can be possible and Pencil can become what we wish it to become.

Krita and Blender are such great examples of succesful free software business model.

What we need in order to join them is a users community and, for that matter, a roadmap to a pro software can help a lot!

@feeef Dont worry man, I have 110% faith in Pencil, Matt and you! :smiley:

I’m truly glad to hear that you are understanding how the engine works, it’s never easy to get to that point.

Later on I’d like to begin compiling those “unknown” features that Pencil actually has, to rehash the manual, but for now I won’t bother you guys at all (I’ll be free on the third week of december hopefully) :stuck_out_tongue: