I created a Youtube channel for Pencil2D and I shared an on-going playlist for novice users to learn basic drawing concepts for animation. However someone over the facebook page suggested that they could “nominate” content for the playlist so I’ll create an maintain a thread for this purpose.
Follow the criteria below and PLEASE DON'T LINK PIRATED CONTENT, open-source is free as in "free will" not as in "petty theft".I’ll only review the following assets to consider:
- Youtube Videos
- Vimeo Videos (if there’s enough content I’ll create an account for this)
- High Quality Online Articles (tutsplus, imaginefx, 2dartist, etc)
- High Quality Tutorials (deviantart, mangaworldacademy, artists blogs, etc)
- Paid but affordable online content from individual artists (gumroad, cubebrush, etc)
- Bibliographical suggestions (i.e books, magazines, etc)
To post your reccommendation do it following this template:
[Type of Resource]
Link: to Resource
Comment: (optional): This is just to know why you think it’s a good resource.
Link: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=bad+drawing+tutorial
Comment: “I think we should include this because my neighbour kid’s draw like this <3”
(…) This is to ensure the highest quality of the resources people can visit. Trust me noone gives a camel’s back about those websites where they promise that “you can be an artist in 10 seconds”.
Art is much more than just signing your artwork, and if you can’t fathom the thought of drawing for more than 5 minutes, then please re-consider your carreer / hobby approach; animation is HARD WORK never be fooled to think otherwise.
[YOUTUBE PLAYLIST] (This resource is under permanent review)