Pencil2D Camera layer doesn't work on version 0.7

The image below is how the frame 1 should look.

The image below is how the frame 12 should look.

The image below is the .PCL file looks.

The image below is how both frame look.

Also when I change to the botmap or vector layer and move the image back to

and then select the Camera layer the image I see on screen doesn’t change!

I think I’m going to revert to using version 0.6.6 because I know that it’s camera layer works!

But only if the frames are drawn using version 0.6.6! if you load a project produced using version 0.7 into version 0.6.6 it behaves in the same way, as illustrated above, in version 0.6.6.

The project file used in this Trash.pclx (6.0 KB)

Hi Mary

The camera layer works differently in 0.7.0 compared to 0.6.6.

There are two major changes that you should be aware of:

  • The view and camera are disconnected from each other now, meaning view changes doesn’t affect the camera keyframe. As such when you jump between a bitmap/vector layer, to a camera layer, the view doesn’t change anymore.

  • To rotate, scale or translate the camera you now have to use the move tool.

Thank you for the explanation of the changes MrStevns.

Is there a list in simple terms of the changes made between the 0.6.6 and 0.7 versions?

We are currently working on a release blog post featuring all of these changes.

I don’t know when it will come out though, hopefully sooner rather than later :slight_smile:

Our draft is available here:

Keep in mind that it won’t render images and video clips properly.

Thank once again MrStevns. If I have find any other differences, I can examine this list.

I’ve just tried the new camera features, I’m very impressed!

The proof of the pudding and all that …New_Camera.pclx (2.1 KB)

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