No audio please help

@SnailLeader Hi. Please let us know if the answers that were previously left by Pencil2D’s developers have helped you.

  1. Try out changing the sound file format as described with the free audio editor “audacity” (
  2. Try importing the same file that you used in a “new” pencil2D file to see if it works.
  • If it does, then that means something has damaged your file on the animation file, and we’d urge you to send it to us for further review. (You can use dropbox, google drive, mega or whatever cloud storage service you trust, we’d just need a link to the project file)
  • If it doesn’t, then it means it’s the file itself, and the way it was made is not compatible with Pencil2D.
  1. Please follow this guide to prevent losing your work and also learn how to extract the file contents, what’s inside, to a separate folder, that way you can check if that particular sound file is working with your system sound player and help us validate if it has been actually corrupted.

It’s also important that you consider using a recent development build to get as many of the latest fixes as possible. To get a recent development build visit the following link: Download | Pencil2D Animation there’s always a trade-off when using the “nightly builds” as sometimes they are more stable than the current release, but sometimes they are far worse. In this case the most recent version from October 14th is really stable and the copy paste issue that was mentioned is also fixed.