MyPaint version pre-alpha preview

I know from own experience, that strange things can happen, when the computer is not okay. Please check your RAM and if you overclocked it, turn it down a bit.

Check your cpu-cooler, if it is still properly atached to the cpu.

Benchmark your computer, to see if strange things happen.

I found another issue. Anything inside a selection doesnā€™t seem to be drawn or updated properly.

How to recreate: Make a selection then switch to a drawing tool (pen, brush or pencil) by clicking on the icons or shortcuts without terminating the selection. Draw within the selection. Your drawing would not be shown until you release your pen or mouse. Try starting your drawing from outside the selection then into the selection, your stoke would not appear in the selection. Same thing happens with the eraser and the polyline tool.

I didnā€™t do anything fancy with my computer. No overclocking whatsoever. No issue with it either.

The Old Pencil2D works just fine.

It really is just with the alpha version of this software with my particular OS.

Hello MrStevns!

Iā€™m not sure if I asked this before but do you know the reason why the Mypaint version of Pencil2D deforms the colors when painting with transparency paintbrushes? You can see it in this picture if you look closely, itā€™s large blocks appearing randomly, like itā€™s pixelating the image but with huge pixels :slight_smile:

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@manu Hmm seems as if those were the tiles the canvas use to make image building faster :thinking:

In these cases it might be better to tag @MrStevns so he gets the notification :+1:

Hi Manu

Iā€™ll need to know some more about how to reproduce this as itā€™s not an issue Iā€™ve seen myself yet.

Itā€™s true what Jose mentions, that the canvas is build on tiles, but that implementation comes from mypaint and weā€™re not doing much to that data so iā€™m not sure what would cause such an effect if youā€™re not able to reproduce that in mypaint itself.

Can you provide some more details, for example:

  • Which brushes do you experience this with
  • Have you configured those brushes?
  • Can you provide the steps or maybe record a session where i can see the effect take place?

btw. i did get the notifications, no need to tag as long as itā€™s a reply to me ;)

Hi again, ok so now I have found out how to reproduce.

  1. I renamed my old brush folder in %appdata% so Pencil2DMP could create it again with default settings just to make sure none of my old tweaked brushes could affect the test. .
  2. I noticed before that I could only see this if I have more than one layer. (WIll check again that Iā€™m 100% sure) .
  3. I paint one layer ā€œredā€ just to have something underneath .
  4. I start to paint with a big brush a few other color tones on layer 2 .
  5. On the same layer I change the brush size to a very sharp one to paint the finer details and it is then when you can see the strange effects. . I hope you can reproduce it too :slight_smile: .
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Hi Manu

Iā€™ve finally had some time to look properly into this issue and the steps youā€™ve provided does seem to produce the problem consistently.

What I know so far:

  1. You need a backdrop of some kind because, ie. a red background
  2. You need to keep drawing strokes at the same area, 5-10 strokes should make it noticeable. If you use 2 layers, the effect begins after 2-3 strokes usually.

I know the problem and iā€™m fairly certain I know the causeā€¦ the question is how to fix it. :thinking: Well that will be my headache, thanks for reporting it though and for the detailed steps :slight_smile:

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New release!

@manu I believe Iā€™ve fixed the tile issue! try out this release and let me know of your findings.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug causing color of a tile to degrade over numerous strokes, making the tiled surface become visible.
  • Fixed a crash caused by invalid tile lookup
  • Fixed a crash when trying to update a setting in the brush configurator


  • Ability to reset brush presets and brushes in preferences. The button is found in the same area as brush presets and requires a confirmation before being applied.

Fantastic news MrStevns !

Already downloaded and tested for a brief 15 minutes an no problems anymore whatsoever. :clap:

Now itā€™s possible to work non destructively with as many layers as I like. I will put it to a more thorough test as soon as I get some more P2D time, hopefully in the weekend. I have a new background planned that will be perfect to test with. This saves me a lot of time because I tried to work on only one layer to minimize the effect and I repainted problem areas many, many, many times to hide the problems as they arose.

Thanks again for finding the bug !! :smiley:

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This is also affecting our current nightly build. Iā€™ve made a fix for it which I hope to have in the next release.

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the download links say 404 not found can you make new links im ngl i made this account specifically for this lol

Hi makingthisaccount

Thanks for letting me know that the links are dead, Iā€™ll see if I can get it updated in the weekend.

Pencil2D - MyPaint is perfect and absolutely brilliant for FBF animation ! Many hearty thanks for this amazing work of genius !

The links are down again. :[ Could someone please reupload them again?

Only win64:

doesnt work, it says the folder isnt found

@makingthisaccount Hi. The mypaint build links are being fixed, once they are ready MrStevns will post a new message on this thread.

That said from what Iā€™ve read on a different conversation, there is a very time consuming problem on the mac deployment side for the entire software, not just this branch, but it is directly effecting the MyPaint branch as a result.

With this in mind, we might need to wait a bit for new links.

New build is up. Weā€™re now up to date with master again.