Multiple layer OnionSkin

Hi, I´m new in Pencil2d and I´m very impress how smooth it perform even in my old laptop, very neat. Playing around with the tools I find it suit almost perfectly with the traditional animation workflow but I miss an option to use the “Onion Skin” in more than one layer at the same time, because I think it could help in the process of making drag, overlapping and follow through animations in separated layers.

Not be able to see where is the main object or character in the previous frame make very difficult to know from where to follow with the secondary objects, cloth, drapery hair or whatever you are animating in a follow through mode.

Its possible to add this option? I think it could be a very good add to all the current benefit of digital animation.

Anyway I love pencil2d so far, so congratulation for all the hard work in making it, thanks!!

Can be useful non gonna lie

The reasoning for this feature is sound, so I’ve made a proposal for it.

I’ve added a toggle to disable the feature now but otherwise it’s the same as the previous build.


While it might take some time for that to get into a new official build. You can try it out here.

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Works nice and smooth!!

Please could Mr Stevns tell us what the missing image called ‘Image’ in his post should show?

It’s just a screenshot of where to find the toggle to turn it on/off. The image should be fixed now.