Ma première anime

Bonjour Je viens de terminer ma première histoire animée. Le premier plan a été réalisé avec Pencil2d, pour profiter des mouvements de caméra. Le reste a été fait avec Krita pour lequel il manque les mouvements de caméra. J’ai hâte d’utiliser la prochaine version 0.65.

I just finished my first animated story. The first sequence was made with Pencil2d, to take advantage of the camera movements. The rest was done with Krita for which the camera movements are missing. I can’t wait to use the next 0.65 version.


Nice work! I think it’s nice that you used Pencil2D along Krita. I think you could even use Synfig or Opentoonz for the camera work if you need more precise movements or even to create effects (such as the fade in)

Anyway, if you use other software, you’re welcome to continue posting it on this forum, we always like to see other’s work, and more so if Pencil2D or FOSS is used :slight_smile:

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Awesome! First time seeing seeing such story

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why is it awesome?

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Nice storytelling. I did not see that ending coming. Good job. :smile:


iIs there another part of the story?

Non, toute l’histoire est là. Mais il y aura d’autres histoires car j’ai encore des idées.

No, the whole story is there. But there will be other stories because I still have ideas.

got a laugh from me!

You’re not the only one!

Nice animation, and lot of work. Interesting to see a first animation with already a little story. I like the sounds too, I’m not sure that the sound of the fish searching in the ground is the best choice, but else, that’s nice.

Merci Je me suis bien amusé à faire cette animation. Ça m’a permis d’apprendre le processus de création d’un dessin animé.

Thank you I had a lot of fun doing this animation. It allowed me to learn the process of creating a cartoon.

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