Ok first off, I want everyone to take a moment to read what I’m going to say. It won’t be long.
I’ve locked this thread and the previous thread for now and will delete them after discussion with the moderator team and upon reaching a consensus because we foresee that It will continue getting derailed if we leave it open.
To the OP we suggest to please make a new thread and limit yourself to only post your artwork from now on. If you want to share your world views, theoretical explorations and philosophical inclinations please make use of an appropriate platform and share the link sparsely on your thread instead, this forum is meant to only share GRAPHIC ARTWORK.
I’m really sad to see these personal artwork threads devolved into something like this. I really haven’t had much time to check all the nuances of the forum due to personal issues, so personally speaking as an individual and not in behalf of Pencil2D I sincerely apologize to all the involved parties for being unable to adequately moderate these threads and allowing you all to have a terrible experience in this forum regardless of your POV or participation in this discussion
The Your Stuff category is a place where people can share ARTWORK made with Pencil2D, and any other work created with alternative software (e.g Flash, CSP, Moho, etc) as long as they comply with the requirement of letting others know which software they used.
Helpful critique is encouraged. Negative criticism is discouraged.
Regarding this thread & similar ones
From an outsider perspective what we could see from both a previous thread as well as this one was:
- The OP posted their work to showcase their progress in something they genuinely think was interesting.
- The user had certain world views and personal theoretical understanding of animation that is only partially aligned with mainstream or academically approved knowledge, so opinions were being contested.
- Afterwards a slew of specific comments aimed to, as far as we can understand, uncaringly enforce the correction of perceived misconceptions started to be delivered on a regular basis.
- The comments and arguments derailed into a (mostly) accusatory discussion on the validity of specific arguments related to historical, factual, anecdotal and experiential evidence.
Alright. Let me be very clear then. This communication is meant to be addressed to all users, including those that participated in either thread, who might read this.
If anyone in this forum wants to critique other users work, you are expected to at least ask the artist if they even want your opinion. This is not twitter.
Upon registration there is a certain freedom you are given within the confines of this forum, but if any other user starts being disrespectful towards you (whoever you are), regardless of the validity of their statements they can be moderated as long as they are breaking the Pencil2D’s code of conduct
Contributor is used in a general sense, from code to art to text commentary
As a general “netiquette” rule always ask yourselves deliberately if you should start flinging nitpicking comments at logical arguments instead of focusing on the artwork, before spiraling down on pointing out argumentative fallacies.
Again this goes for everyone. Do. Not. Engage. In. Pointless. Arguments. Even if your comments make sense logically. There are better and more respectful ways to communicate with others you disagree with, while bringing a more positive light and understanding of a topic in any given discussion that was agreed to between both parties.
However I’m not here to teach anyone ethics or internet debate decorum. I’m not your parent either. None of the mods are. We are here to provide a free product & a minimum set of communication services and to regulate them to match our audience requirements, as long as we’re able due to our own personal restrictions as unpaid volunteers.
So if things get heated enough for the code of conduct to get bruised you will get moderated no matter who you are.
This is a warning however, not a threat, to all of you that read this. So please If you don’t like something, ignore it. No need to be vocal about it. It really is that simple.
If someone disagrees with any of you and you’re not in the mood to debate, my most heartfelt recommendation is for any of you to simply stop your current interaction and move on.
PSA for everyone. You can add other users to an ignore list by visiting your personal profile for this forum. So please resort to that instead if either of you feel there’s a fundamental impossibility to bridge communication between you and the other person you might be having issues with.
Hoiwever If you are being systematically harassed, doxxed or impersonated in this forum, please contact us and we will take appropriate measures depending on the severity of the situation. The least we can do is ban the offender, but we will investigate first these claims. These ain’t a roadshow to try to troll others because you disagree with them. If you unjustly report others, you will be IP banned instead.