I am using a computer with 32 Gbytes of memory.
I have a Pencil2D project loaded, using 0.6.6 and I can edit, export .GIF’s and. MP4’s etc without a problem.
Both projects are in the region of 1.5M bytes in size.
If I attempt to load a different version of the project the Pencil2D application crashes.
I can howver reload Pencil2D and load the second project and there are no problems editing, exporting or running the animation from within Pencil2D.
I don’t understand why? The Pencil2D crash occurs?
I am attempting to load the new version of the project over the old version. With 32 Gbytes of memory I can run more than a single copy of Pencil2D at the same time.
The problem doesn’t occur when I load the second project into a different copy of Pencil2D.
I’ve also noticed when importing project layers, that it’s prudent to import them and then save the project to file, as a .pclx immediately. I usually use a different name to that I’m working with, say Project-7 when I re-save it after the layer import, I save it as Project-8.