Import image sequence based on filename

Some animators, like myself, still animate on paper and scan the drawings, import them and finish the work in Pencil2D or similar software.
Say I have an animation with a person who listens, blinks, and turns his head.
I have two layers ‘Head’ and ‘Eyes’, and my drawings are called ‘Head01’, ‘Head49’, ‘Head51’ and so on. The same with the eyes.
It could be a nice feature, if Pencil2D could place all ‘Head’-drawings on the ‘Head’-layer, at the corresponding frame numbers.
I don’t know how many would use this feature, but I certainly would. Maybe I should try to implement it myself…:thinking:

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Yes! I think it would be great If Pencil2D could import based on a numbering sequence and assign it to the appropriate frame as well.

  • Such feature should probably import each filename-based sequence on it’s own layer, using the alphabetical part of the string to rename the create layer.
  • It would probably require a small interface give proper layer order upon import too.
  • Also it would be great if we had customizable rules for importing the sequence. For example, let’s say we have the Head000.png and Eye_0001.png. It should allow us to customize how many digits can be received (instead of crashing or something else) and to differentiate the name from the numbering and a possible separator(s) as well.

Something to consider as well would be that since the current internal naming of an image sequence goes like layerIndexPosition.frameNumber.fileType I think there should be an internal conversion to this nomenclature, but I don’t know if we should let the program do that (since it does already) or force it to happen before importing.

Animators who are going to use this feature are organized people, compared to the happy-go-lucky guy who opens Pencil2D and starts animating.
For this reason we maybe could set rules for filenaming? Layer name + four digits + ‘.png’, or whatever recognizable fileformat is used?
Layer name should of course be the same on all files, and valid numbers are from ‘0001’ to ‘9999’.