How to convert GIF to pclx

@Noqidezet Hey sorry to hear you lost your work. To be honest my knee jerk reaction is to advise our users to always, always save backup copies of your project file. All software can have their source files corrupted, and even worse if one is not careful stuff like your case can happen, when one overwrites the file inadvertently.

Joey shared a post I did on this topic but you can also read our prevention / recovery guide and in step #6 there are some steps to discover your operating system’s own file recovery feature so you can keep backup copies if you want.

However also make sure to read and understand properly what these systems do, having “too many” backup copies can also be harmful if you don’t have disk space; I personally just make my own copies and that’s it, but I also use file versioning systems which do not depend on the OS (and they’re also mentioned in the following guide)