How does the Vector layer even work? :(((

I dont really get it. I know I’m supposed to use the vector layer to color in my frames, but I dont really understand how it all works. All my drawings are on the bitmap layer, and I’ve tried selecting the frame and pasting it to a vector frame, but it didnt really do anything. All the tutorials I see dont make any sense to me, either. is there any way I could get some sort of explanation for all of this in a way that makes more sense? I’ve honestly never heard of a vector layer before

Vector programs works differently to bitmapped graphics.

As an example to fill a path, this is a line in vector terms, is that it must be selected first, then a fill can be applied using the paint pot.

Paths can be adjusted, by using the Smudge Tool to move control points.

So a Vector graphics is composed of paths and fills. In Pencil2D there is no provision for user defined fills or spectrum fills.

Although at present the tools in Pencil2D are not complete, the vector tools are very usable.

An example of a vector animation produced in Pencil2D is Sample.pclx (495.7 KB)

Examining this file will illustrate how vector files work.

You cannot paste bitmapped images into a vector layer or vector images cannot be pasted into a bitmapped layer.

Other packages that use vector layers include Inkscape. The documenting for how to draw vectors using Inkscape is excellent. Once you’ve mastered this your ready to draw vector images in Pencil2D.

But you currently can’t transfer. SVG files produced in Inkscape into Pencil2D vector layers.