G'day from Brisbane, Australia!

G’day from Brissie !

I’m just trying to find a truly free (because it won;t get too much use) animation product - wioth no watermarks.

Unsure if pencil2d is right for me as yet.

Also looking at: OpenToonz Synfig

so am very interested in people who’ve tried these and your thoughts.

Cheer all

G’day to you as well! (My apologies for this late response!!!) I’m glad you are considering this great software! Whichever software you want to use is dependant on what kind of animation you’d prefer to do. Of course, by “kind” I mean the style of art, motion, and degree of “professional-ness” you plan on doing. I don’t know much about the other software you’re checking out, but here’s something about Pencil 2D I noticed: If your animation style requires automatic tweening, then Pencil 2D is not the right software for you. Pencil 2D is more for cel-like manual animation (more traditional workflow, re-drawing a lot more frames). If your animation inspiration is from back in the 1940s to early 2000s, then perhaps you found the best software to get the closest results you want! No pressure in that regard!

(Also, I may be from America, but I actually really like Australia! G’day from me, and good luck in “iso”; pardon me if I used that term wrong [I don’t know enough about the slang yet])

Thanks. “iso”?

As far as animation is concerned I was looking to do some stuff for informative videos for a website. That is ‘how to’ style VIDEOS HOW TO USE THE WEBSITE oops sorry Re caps.