We are a group of Master’s degree students at the institute of technology and management, TU Berlin. This Questionnaire is a part of our research for the term paper we are working on.
Please fill the questionnaire. The link is given below:
You don’t necessarily need to be a FOSS contributor to fill the form. We appreciate all the input!
If you encounter issues when filling the form, please feel free to write to me.
Thank you for your time in advance,
@sulemansamuel Hi. Thank you for sharing your questionnaire. As a word of advice and If it’s possible for you I think you should consider an anonymous form.
Having to put their actual work or personal email will probably make many people here not even consider answering the questionnaire; contributors and FOSS users in general tend to be very rigorous about their privacy and security breaches, so please take that into account.
Either way good luck with you paper!