Export size problem

I need help on the exporting matter concerning the canvas size. Ive already set the camera view and its size (1920 ; 1080) though upon exporting it the movie seems to have shrunk for unknown reasons. Ive tried exploding the size and panned my movie frames across the whole camera view but when I export it with the same size it shrinks the whole thing. Any thoughts or help since I need to get done with this till the end of the week but cant due to this? Version: 0.6.4 Windows 10

@Icestrike Hi, make sure you are setting the camera size by double clicking the camera layer, NOT on the movie export dialog. This is a common mistake.

Additionally make sure your camera layer is NOT zoomed in or out. Select the camera layer (must look highlighted in the timeline) and go to View > Zoom > 100% or View > Reset

If your original camera layer size was for some reason smaller than your final output (1920 x 1080), i’m afraid you will have to resize the images manually in a different software to resize them all in one go (preferred method) for this workflow what I usually do is to:

  1. Export a sequence of png images
  2. Import the PNG as an animation layer in Krita
  3. Resize the canvas with content and use lanczos3 or nearest neighbour (experiment for results) so the artwork is crisp and not blurry.
  4. Render the PNG sequence from Krita and reimport it into Pencil2D
  5. Render the movie.

This process usually takes less than 5 minutes.

Lastly, please update to Pencil2D 0.6.6, your current version 0.6.4 is way too old and has a lot of issues that have been fixed, including some crash inducing problems.

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