Drawings "drift" off frame?

Basically, everytime I open the file, i see drawings that drift off the frame that werent like that before. I saved normally, opened up everything normally, I even tried alternate ways of loading the animation. Its only about 20 seconds, so I dont really understand. It’s been working fine this entire time. The drawings sort of cut from where they should be normally to completely off-center and almost entirely off-frame. is it something wrong with how I saved it? maybe??

I can also confirm I’ve seen this happen for me too. I have still not connected it to any particular sequence that I do with different tools, but I hope there is a way to reproduce it because it will be hard to find the bug otherwise.

As I remember it when it happened to me , it was maybe 2 or 3 that suddently dirifted off in a given layer with a sequence of 20 or so images.

The more information we can get, the closer we’ll be to figure out what’s causing it.

Do you recall using the move tool with these frames or any frames?

It’s not a bug I’ve bumped into myself but i haven’t actively tried to reproduce it yet either.