@feeef @sumit_makwana Actually allowing the user to change feathering values (brush outline) as well as opacity values there would allow them to roughly mimic sketching with different pencil “lead” types, like 3H, HB, 6B, etc. I think Nick had proposed early on to make a switchbox between aliased (pixelated edge) and anti-aliased brush outlines for the pencil tool so pixel artists could get interested in the program as well for their animated game sprites.
For example some people sketch very lightly (similar to how the tool is setup currently with pressure sensitivity) but others sketch with fully opaque strokes and use the layers opacity to reduce the stroke lightness.
All in all I feel the user should have a choice. Besides we do have different drawings tools because they perform different functions, but the user should be able to customize it to it’s liking, since the software should be as flexible as possible, considering there are ways to work as there are artists out there. 
Also I totally agree on the bezier control point handles, but those should appear when using the finger / smudge tool, since it’s the tool that modifies the location of control points in a vector stroke.
As a side note, I'm even tempted to propose renaming the tools to be honest... something like this:
Pencil = Sketching Tool
Pen = Inking Tool
Brush = Paint Tool
Why? because people tend to get confused since they think they can do everything with the same tool, and when they can’t they blame it on the developers and poor design choices.
If you read the tooltips, it even says “Pencil: Sketch with Pencil” / “Pen:Sketch with Pen” / “Brush: Paint smooth stroke with a brush” Which to me is even more confusing, because that means that there really is no order to which tool I should use. And real artists always use specific tools for specific tasks. Which is why I suggested in another thread to look at Digicel’s Flipbook drawing and painting tools.
This is just an idea of course, but I think we have to make it more evident that there is actually a workflow involved in how Pencil2D tools work , and how those tools are an essential part of the whole animation production process.