Do chromebooks run Pencil2D?

I’m only startinging animation and I’m on a fairly slim budget, I need to know if I get a chromebook can it work with a drawing tablet also is it possible to run Pencil2d on it?
Many thanks.

I don’t know of anyone who’s tested it, but it should work. You can definitely run it using a Live CD of Linux, but you should also be able to run it with Chrome OS’s experimental linux app support. Basically you would follow this tutorial:
and then run this command in the Linux terminal:
flatpak install flathub org.pencil2d.Pencil2D

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Thanks very much, I’ll try this.

@IH0RAN Aside from the suggestion from scribblemaniac please read this thread where someone had asked about it before and I provided several links that explain similar solutions, however it needs to be noted that for any Linux interface to work you need to have Crostini or later installed.

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