I had to reinstall the QtCreator and realized that we are now compelled to create a free account in order to continue with the installation, otherwise it will not continue.
So, the documentation given by the link above needs to be update regard to this point (where it says: “Open up the installer, you can skip the step of creating Qt account, it’s not necessary”)
@kaiko Thanks for letting us know. Since we had Qt installed prior to this requirement we didn’t realize this until recently either. It seems Qt has recently changed their political stance regarding the installer privileges as well as Open Source software in general.
There’s been a recent set of news mentioning they plan on charging money for newer updates, and will probably delay FOSS updates for 12 months.
Anyway AFAIK Linux OS only needs to use the command console without account. In Windows 10 some people use the Windows Subsystem Layer which allows you to install a linux OS image.
I’ll investigate how to skip this, otherwise people might think twice before trying to compile on Windows
“… people might think twice before trying to compile on Windows ”
That is why I decided not to install Qt
Thank you @kaiko. I have updated the development document.
@chchwy I don’t see the update. So, here is what I was referring to:
LINUX compilation, line 21 says:
- Click Next. It will give you the option to log in with your Qt developer account. You can skip this if you don’t have an account and do not want to register.
macOS compilation, line 40 says:
- The file is the Qt installer application, so go ahead and open it. Click continue. You can skip the the step of creating Qt account. It’s not necessary.
WINDOWS compilation, line 24 says:
- Open up the installer, you can skip the step of creating Qt account, it’s not necessary.
It is not possible to skip those lines if we want to continue with the installation
Which doc? I updated here https://github.com/pencil2d/pencil/wiki
I was referring to this link @chchwy:
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