BUG: using CTRL+Pen tool >> Black canvas

Last nightly build (25Jul)
Win7, Ultimate, SP1

Pencil got a Black canvas after following the steps:

  1. open pencil
  2. draw some lines using the PEN tool
  3. pressing keyboard CTRL and dragging the PEN tool… a black colour will cover the main drawing window

(no matter what colour I have selected on the colour panel, the canvas will be covered with a black colour)

Pencil behaves differently if you do not re-start it.
Some times on number 3, you will see a black colour blinking while dragging the tool, and the canvas will be ok

already mentioned

This happens on Linux as well, but only once. After that first time it seems to be okay until Pencil is restarted.

I’m thinking Ctrl+drag to feather probably doesn’t serve any purpose when the pen is selected.

Debian Sid x86_64 | Qt 4.8.5 | Latest (as of about 10 minutes ago) git source


Ctrl+drag is used in conjunction with the PEN and BRUSH tools. It is going to change the “value of Feather” of that tool.
The lines will appear smooth if applying a high value of the Feather. If Feather is like near zero, these lines will have hard edges :slight_smile:

i see…rather than “feather” when applied to the pen, it would be “smooth”. So maybe have to change the label when the pen is selected.

Oh…that may be a good thing/idea.

I think the label would be like smooth or even softness… but of course these are just an intuitive improvement…

@jose :slight_smile:

Thank you @Matt