Audio plays once then never again

I downloaded the latest versión For Windows 11 and when i put the audio it works only the first play i don’t think it’s mute idk it’s My first time using it

@conylovesnerds Hi, welcome to the forum.

I will be testing the new version under Windows 11 soon to check possible issues but as far as I know it should not be giving you any trouble. There might be specific software or hardware issues that could also contribute to your issue, but it’s rather difficult to troubleshoot that at the moment.

Right now I can only suggest you to try to delete any sounds you have in your current Pencil2D project file, and then reimport these sounds again using the latest version.

To be extra meticulous try to make one sound layer per each imported sound, that means not to add all the sounds in the same layer.

Once you do that try using the playback button from the first frame only. There is an in-editor bug that once you move the playhead / timeline cursor partially over a sound, the sound will not be herd correctly. Since this doesn’t happen during export please also try to export the movie and check if the sound is being heard or not.

On the other hand make extra sure the relative layer mode is not set to “current layer only” nor are your sound layers turned off, since any layer that’s turned off will not cast sound in the latest version.

To know if your layer is ON, you should see a bold black circle to the left hand side of each individual layer name.

For now try that and see if anything works or not. Depending on that we might ask you for more information.

I’ve had problems with Sound playback of a Pencil2D project.

My problem was due to Windows 11 updates messing up the setup files. This occurred immediately after the update!

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