After trying everything pencil 2d is the only free animation software usable

I really wanted to up my game I wanted tweening, pencil 2d really needs to be able to set keyframes for animation and sub animations. So i can make an animation of a man walking, then key frame that from left ot right.

But I have to say pencil 2d is the most stable and usable freeware software. I keep coming back, it just works. Whatever you did code wise is great beacuse everythign else simple does not work, Krita has never ever worked for me, evry time its trouble shoting and reporting bugs its so annoying because it has the keyframes and its pretty good at that too.

Open toonz works but aalways issues I have to google and trouble shoot, its also got a very weird work flow, nothing is intuitive and needs a look up.

So congrats on making pencil 2d have an amazing work flow and also very stable!

If tweening animations and sub animation was possible this would be the best animation software for free easily. I really hope it gets that feature one day, it would make this extremely powerful. Right not its very time consuming to just get an animation to move across a background.

Krita and open toonz gave me a stress attack and I dont care I am using this for now !

Well done great software I always recommend to anyone wanting to get into animation. Check out some of the animations I have managed to get outa this, I am still super noob. Any subs or likes helps a lot I am now trying to get back into animating.

Glad to hear that Pencil2D is running well for you. Unfortunately tweening is unlikely to happen anytime soon, if at all. The core focus of Pencil2D is on more traditional 2d animation workflows and large changes would be required to add proper object tweening support.

Think of it this way. The things you like about Pencil2D: the stability and ease of use, are both a direct consequence of its narrower focus. Less features means less complexity, making it easier to use and maintain. Pencil2D receives far less development than either Krita or Opentoonz, but they are both trying to do a lot more things at once which is why they struggle with these things.

There are still other programs you can try out if are willing to continue experimenting. We have a list of Pencil2D alternatives you can check out which may have some other programs with tweening support that would work better for you.

P.S. A minor nitpick but freeware typically implies that the software is proprietary but distributed at no cost to the user. Pencil2D would be better described as FOSS (free and open source) or libre.