MyPaint version pre-alpha preview

Thanks for bringing that to my attention Manu, unfortunately there’s no easy way to fix that currently, at least not to my knowledge.

The delay is caused by the fact that the update of the canvas after undo’ing, requires a reset of the mypaint surface, because mypaint is not aware of undo/redo, that’s pencil2D state. This basically means removing all tiles and re-adding them based on the undo/redo image. As the image gets bigger and bigger, the operation takes longer.


:warning: Changing pressure graphs does not update the stroke placed on the canvas up until the attribute slider changes.

This has been fixed now.

:bangbang: :rotating_light: Using the colorize attribute automatically crashes the app. Just try using the slider and the app closes.

This one is a head scratcher… it’s seemingly not a bug in pencil2D that’s causing the crash but a bug in the mypaint backend… i’ve looked into it a bit but i’m not certain what’s causing the behavior. I will ask the mypaint developers… maybe they know what’s causing it.