My animation won’t export as an mp4

@ariadna Please don’t use 0.6.3, it’s already over 6 months old. Download 0.6.4. It has a lot of improvements, and also stay tuned for 0.6.5 which will be released before new year’s eve hopefully and it will bring even MORE improvements.

If you still can’t export the file with 0.6.4, please make sure on the movie exporter options that the name of your file has the extension attached like this:


e.g MyAnimation -> MyAnimation.MP4

We found there’s an issue with the interface spanish localization which makes the extension not to be automatically added and thus it makes Pencil2D unable to export movies and GIF’s, however this might be occurring in other languages we aren’t aware of.

If you still have this issue after trying this, please upload your file to a file hosting service like wetransfer and i’ll personally export the file for you (I have windows 7)