Can you use drawing tablets in pencil2d?

@Milo_Harris Hi. Basically there are various Pen Tablet brands that are compatible with most drawing software, including Pencil2D, such as:

  • XP-PEN
  • UGEE
  • There might be others that are compatible but we don’t have more statistics or reports

As long as you purchase any newer model (2019 onwards), keep the drivers and OS updated, you should not have any issue (though we can’t claim that it will always be 100% bug free; we simply can’t know if something will break without our knowledge over time :thinking: ).

That said there are a few known troubles for any pen tablet working under Windows 10 (it’s not a Pencil2D specific issue but a windows issue) The issue boils down to being forced to either configure Windows Ink (Microsoft’s recommended way), or force enable tablet driver contraptions provided by the manufacturers to disable windows ink.

In case you run into any of these problems when and if you ever buy any tablet you can read the following reply / guide for Win10: