Camera render bug

I’m running Pencil2d from June 10 (exact same that has been posted in Nightly 2014 thread) and there’s problem with camera layer rendering. In “regular” Pencil, when switching to camera layer, all bitmap/vector layers are being drawn without “darkening”, i.e. same as they’d be drawn when exported. That was very useful.

Unfortunately, in this build, layers are still “darkened” in a way that corresponds to last selected layer, i.e. last selected non-camera, non-sound layer is being drawn on top.

Please fix that.

This was fixed a long time ago (in 2016). Whoever stumbles upon this thread and has a similar issue please use the latest nightly builds that are always publicly available at

Here’s a direct link to the current ones at the time of this comment for each major system:

For completeness sake the expected behavior is as follow:

  • Selecting the Camera Layer will show all the layers as fully opaque (and as it will be seen on export)
  • With the upcoming light table mode regression slated for 0.6.4:
    • Opaque mode: All layers will be fully opaque
    • Transparent mode: Active layer will be opaque and others will be progressively transparent. the more layers there are, the “farther” they are form the active one, the more transparent they will appear.

I’m closing this thread as solved.